How To Properly Create Bleeds
How to properly create bleeds for printing with CEC Document Services. Detailing the correct margins and settings when creating a PDF from various applications to ensure that your project prints the way you expect it to.
An Example of Variable Image Printing
Variable data printing is often mistaken for a simple mail merge. However, it can be much more unique than that. One specific type of variable data printing - variable image printing - allows for focused graphics to be used within each and every piece in a single...
PDFs, Spot Colors and Transparency
In a previous blog we covered a couple of free methods to create a PDF for printing at CEC. In this update we're going to address a very common issue when digitally printing PDF files. Have you ever received a print with a white box behind text where you were...
CMYK, RGB and Spot Colors
CEC offers advice on using CMYK, RGB and Spot color builds when creating files for digital printing.
Direct Mail Marketing with CEC
As you probably know, Direct Mail Marketing is how most businesses advertise promotions to both existing and potential clients. Your company most likely uses this method of marketing as well. What you may not know is that CEC Document Services can streamline this...
Create PDF Files For Free
CEC offers advice on how to create a PDF file for free.
Variable Data and Variable Image Printing
Did you know that CEC offers Variable Data Printing? Variable Data Printing - or VDP - improves on the traditional marketing campaign that has a single message for all clients & prospects and personalizes the message for each individual. Variable Image Printing - or...
CEC Launches New Website
Today, CEC Document Services officially launched our redesigned website. But I guess if you're reading this blog post, you already knew that. Thank you for visiting our new site. Take a look around and come back often. We're going to be updating the site frequently...
CEC’s Blog
Welcome to CEC's blog site. This blog will be a resource for us to share tips, answer questions, and share interesting print industry information. Please stay tuned as we will be updating this blog frequently.
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