
Mailing with CEC – part 2

Advanced Verification and Correction This week we continue our series on mailing with CEC. In part 1, we explained the basic data verification and clean up services offered by CEC. Those steps apply to nearly every mailing project we handle. In this edition, part 2,...

Digital Printing Advantages

Key differences between traditional offset printing and CEC’s digital printing are examined and the advantages of digital printing are explained.

When Black Ink Only Isn’t Black Ink Only

Digital printing allows CEC to print in full color for the same cost as printing 1, 2 or 3 color. The main cost difference with CEC is printing in color versus black-and-white. So, printing a document in black-and-white is pretty simple, right? Well, not always.

PDF/X-3: CEC’s Preferred Standard

The PDF/X-3 standard helps ensure that your file is ready for digital printing at CEC. This standard flattens transparency, warns of spot color & transparency issues and makes sure fonts are embedded in the resulting PDF.

Mailing with CEC – part 1

The first in a series of posts focusing on mailing your digitally printed projects with CEC Document Services. In this post, data clean up, checking for duplicates and address verification are covered.

Gloss and Protection Coating

Have you ever received a digital print on glossy paper and thought "that's not very glossy"? While there is a distinct difference between gloss coated and uncoated stocks, if you're expecting a high sheen similar to a professionally developed photograph, you're likely...

Perfect Binding

Some of our clients may never have considered the option of perfect binding but it is a relatively inexpensive alternative to traditional bindings such as coil, and adds a certain degree of professionalism to the look and feel of your book. If you think about it, how...

How To Submit Files To CEC

CEC explains how to combine multiple files into a single archive. Also covered are the steps involved in submitting that archive file to CEC via FTP.

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