Upload Files

PDF files are preferred. If you are sending native files (InDesign, Illustrator, etc.) please combine those along with all the needed support files (images, fonts, etc.) in an archive (ZIP, RAR, etc…)

1. Enter your contact information in the appropriate fields below. Company is optional, all others are required.

2. If you will be uploading files with this information in the future, click the “Remember me” check box to save time on future uploads.

3. Click the green “Continue” button to proceed to the file upload page.

4. Drag and drop your files into the gray “Drag files here” box or click “Browse files” to select the files to upload.

5. When you are finished selecting files, click the green “Upload” button, then allow the files to finish uploading. Once you see the light green “File(s) uploaded successfully” message, you may leave the page or close your browser.

6. Give us a call or e-mail us to let us know more about your project.


* If you don’t see a form below, please use this link: Upload Files

888.590.COPY 4865 Oakland Street Denver, CO 80239 ©Copyright 2024 CEC Document Services. All Rights Reserved.